Making Tracks - A New Connections Box


It is almost time to introduce our next Connections Box. Coming on January 1st is . . . Making Tracks !

Included in Making Tracks is a fun, winter-themed book and enough materials to complete 9 different activities. Knowing that some of you live in snow-filled climates, and others have barely even seen a flurry, the included activities are appropriate for all of you! There will be some that you can do outdoors and others that are perfect for when the weather is less than desirable.


Research shows us again and agin that children learn best through play and these Connection boxes are designed for just that. The children will have fun while they are learning new skills, and you will find ways to connect with them and make memories that both of you will treasure. 

As always, there are various options available for purchasing these boxes, and we now even often a gift option as well.

If you want to be notified of updates or when new products are available, please sign up above. I promise not to fill your inbox with a bunch of spam and instead will send you a fun little activity to do with your child.